The Letter H

Happiness could just possibly begin with finding the perfect letter H image for your endeavors. Hurray for Hollywood and all of the wonderful print foundries and artist who created all of these drop cap images so very long ago. Most of these fancy letter H drawings are over 100 years old. But, you can breathe new life into them by including in your own drawings.

Letter H Design

Fancy letter H design, one of a set of print foundry drop cap images.

Open Letter H

Vintage open letter H image from 1860. It’s in the public domain and is devoid of extra decoration making it ready for colorizing and customization.

H with Ivy

Vintage letter image that includes a letter H with ivy. It dates back to 1878 and is clearly in the public domain.

H Drawing

Vintage letter H drawing from 1854. The letter was drawn using leaves and vines. It is a bit on the grungy side but it is still pretty cool if you ask me.

The Letter H

Black and white letter H surrounded by doodles.

Drop Cap H

Mark the hours with this drop cap H and clock image.

Fancy Letter H

The letter H, one of a set of 6 floral drop cap letters.
