Commercial Use of Images
I get asked all of the time about using the images I have shared with everyone here on One of the biggest questions relates to using an image for commercial purposes.
First off, let me say if you think you can take images from this site (or any other PD art site) and without enhancing them in some way make a killing on Zazzle, Etsy or some other sales platform – don’t waste your time. Thousands have gone before you and the market is over-saturated. As to the folks posting them on Etsy or another marketplace, in the exact condition you found them here (or on another site like mine) – shame on you for trying to charge folks for public domain materials that you yourself got for free.
For those of you hoping to use an image from Reusable Art for more realistic commercial purposes, have at it. The images are in the public domain and that means you don’t need my permission to use one. I do hope you drop me a line and let me see what you have created. It’s so much fun to see what people are creating with these vintage images.
If you do use any of the images on for commercial purposes, I do hope you consider supporting my efforts here through a donation, finders fee or just buying me a tall glass of fresh-brewed iced tea.