Balboa Portrait

In an attempt to avoid imprisonment for debt, Balboa ran away from home as a young man. Not learning from his misadventures, he found himself again running from creditors when he stowed away on the ship of Fransisco Pizarro. Fortunately, Balboa proved an able seaman and later discovered the Pacific Ocean. This portrait of Vasco Nunez de Balboa is copyright free and in the public domain. If you are looking for images of people, images of historical figures, European explorers or military-type images this copyright free image would be a great choice.

This image and a number of others are from the 1885 work The Boy Travellers in South America. The author, Thomas Wallace Knox (1835-1896), did not identify an illustrator.

Balboa Portrait

This image is copyright free and in the public domain anywhere that extends copyrights 70 years after death or at least 120 years after publication when the original illustrator is unknown.